Infiorate di Spello was founded in the early 1900s to celebrate Corpus Domini. The families of Spello work hard for months to prepare these extraordinary flowery rugs that make the streets of the village so colorful and fill them with fragrances.
For generations our grandparents took part in this wonderful festival steeped in history and the tradition has been handed down to us through the generations, making us proud to be able to say that it is now an integral part of our lives.

The line of fragrances was created to retrace the steps of the Infiorate di Spello and capture them in a sensory experience. Three different fragrances that recount the three most important moments: flowering [fioritura], harvesting [raccolta] and the day of the Infiorata itself.
It is precisely these emotions that we experience every year when these works of art are created that inspired us to create “Acqua ai fiori Spello”.
We want to carry these feelings with us every day and make them known to all those who take part, even for just one day, in the Infiorate di Spello.
For more than 15 years we have been known throughout the world for the quality of our cosmetics inspired by our land and in 2018 we wanted to celebrate this event, the Infiorate, by combining the creativity, fragrances, emotions and traditions that make it up and give life to an innovative project: letting people take home a part of this emotion in a fragrance.
Our great experience of 15 years in cosmetics has led us to create a simple and effective line inspired by Spello flowers and the Infiorate. This line has been designed not only to meet the main needs of women, but to allow them to take home some of the emotions experience in this village.